Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Now that the "worst kept secret of E3" is out of the bag, I'd like to get opinions on what everybody thinks about Sony's new PSP Go. Does the fact that it has no disc drive make people not want to get one? Or does the fact that you no longer have to carry around discs to play it make you want to get one? For me, I'm torn between the two. I like the idea of having a hard drive in my PSP and only having to carry around the system with no discs, but I worry that I'll have to re-purchase my old favorite games again. It probably won't happen, but I know a lot of people are hoping Sony will allow people to input the unique information from their disc versions of games so that they can download digital copies of them. But, as I said, this probably won't happen. There's too much risk for pirating.

But, what do the rest of you think? Do any of you have plans to purchase a PSP Go? Why or why not?


  1. That's right, I'm commenting on my own post! I just had another thought I wanted to add. While it seems unlikely that Sony will allow free downloads of already purchased games, I wonder if they'll allow discounted downloads of the games. You'd still have to pay for them, but not as much. Good idea? Impossible idea? Let me know.

  2. Most people are forgetting that Sony said this will be sold alongside the regular PSP model as said here. I think that with this system they are hoping to increase their online game library so that people can buy this system for the larger downloadable games, thus saving space on their memory sticks for other game saves and the other things that people put on their cards. I would buy one just because there are already some games on their network that take up a lot of space that I have/want to get (such as Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid).

  3. Yeah, I'd have to go along with what Jason said. It seems to me like the idea is not to replace the original model by any means, but rather to make it as a companion to it. I personally don't own a PSP myself (though I'd really, really like to have one...... ;_; ) but can I totally understand the purpose of doing this. Of course now people like me need to invest money in not only buying a PSP in the first place, but buying this as well, which probably won't cause too many problems but it still sucks..... ;_;

    As for the cost of downloads issue, doesn't seem to me like there's really any reason for them not to have some sort of a discount. They do stuff like that for stuff like iTunes all the time.

  4. Wow. I really wasn't trying to infer that the PSP Go was going to replace the original PSP in any way. I was merely pointing out that, if you have an original PSP with a decent amount of disc games, you'll not be able to play them on the PSP Go, which might be a reason people won't buy a Go, especially if they continue to make both downloadable and disc games. I'm really hoping that they try to go back in their old disc game library and offer some of them as a download for the Go. (Games like Lumines.)

    As for the hard drive, I wonder if Sony ever plans to offer different sizes, much like Apple does with their iPods. (Yes, I know that right now there's only one hard drive size in the planning for the PSP Go. 16gb, isn't it?) I would hope they might offer larger hard drives for people like me that would want to have more than just a couple of stored on the Go.

    And, we can always hope that there will be download discounts for older games.
